The trend that he started here was the way he was editing his videos. Credit it to his hard work or his awareness to the demands of the blogging industry or his mindset of not doing the same thing that everyone else is doing, it has made him start many a new things on his Instagram page which soon became a trend followed by almost every other food page in India.Another trend that he started and a very good one was to be totally genuine in his posts.In every field there are some persons who start a trend and then there are those who follow the trends. It allowed him not to be politically correct like those bloggers who are doing it full time. To make a name for yourself, you have to carve a unique indentity for yourself and for that you have to try new things. You can not continue doing the same things forever. More often than not, those who start a trend carve a name for themselves in their field.Amar came to New Delhi to pursue his MBBS and when he started this page, he had no idea that it will grow to become such a big thing.Next, the captions did not held much importance in those days.

Amar started writing those creative, well detailed captions with effective &China Automatic Cookie Making Machine Manufacturers39;call-to-actions'. He starts his stories with a simple 'here today' & gradually goes on to showcase the property and the food of the places that he visits."(Asian Age doesn't endorse the above content. The same applies to social media. It also became a trend soon and majority of food pages on Instagram are following it. Amar started posting street food photos from his explorations in Old Delhi on his page.) end-of Tags: amar sirohi. If a particular dish was bad in taste or if a particular restaurant serves food which is not up to the mark, he mentioned that in his posts. You will find many bloggers doing their stories in the same way nowadays. He is doing it since August 2016, when Instagram started Insta-stories.

When Instagram introduced 1 minute long videos in mid-2016, he was amongst the very first ones to start posting food videos.Not only he started numerous trends through his posts, he also created his signature style of uploading stories which was also copied by many bloggers and became a trend. Street food is relatable to common people, his photos started getting massive engagement which drove other bloggers to start posting pictures of street food and in a short period of time, almost every Indian Instagram food page was doing it. He recounts many incidents when he was asked to change the criticism into a positive review for monetary compensation but he refused. You can not stand out from the crowd when you are doing the same things that the crowd is doing.To sum up in his own words, "Evolution has always been the key to stay relevant.

This truthfulness of his posts earned him the trust of his followers and it also inspired other bloggers to be more genuine in their posts. The places or dishes that he criticized, he did that too with detailed explanations about why he is criticizing that particular thing. Setting up new trends, he always stayed one step ahead of other bloggers & has become a leader of this field. Since time immemorial, only those survived who evolved. His fast-paced style editing of food videos was soon picked up by the majority of food pages in India. It was 2015 when food blogging on Instagram was in its nascent stage in India. This trend continues to even this date. There were only a handful of people doing it and all of those were posting just the restaurant food on their pages. Gradual evolution is even more important here

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